Photo of the Quarter: Q1 2013

As we shift our contest to a quarterly format, our first Photo of the Quarter winner is of a Cedar Waxwing, taken by Kathy Russell.
Kathy, who lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains, tells us a bit about one of her favorite pastimes--bird photography. "The property I am on used to be an orchard. There are some huge Black Cherry trees and a couple wild cherry, which the birds love. It's usually a race to get the Black cherries before the birds do. I get Scarlet Tanagers, Cedar Waxwings, among others, going after the fruit. Great photo opportunities. I sit my chair in the yard and just shoot away."
Congratulations on being our first quarterly winner, Kathy!
Taken with a Nikon D90 with a 300mm lens.
2013 Winners

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