Spring Fling 2015

Spring Fling 2015 Partly because spring had sprung, partly because Mother's day was just around the corner, but the folks at Wild Birds & Gardens felt it was high time for a celebration. So we threw open all the doors and invited folks in for our annual Spring Fling, and what a fling it was! We had representatives from both Effie Yeaw Nature Center and the Wildlife Care Association in the house, and a collection of critters that boggled the mind! We had owls and hawks and kestrels, and even a live snake to wow the crowd. Folks also enjoyed free frozen yogurt from the kind souls at Yogurtland along with assorted homemade treats. And to make things even sweeter, everyone in attendance received 15% off everything in the store. It was a celebration to remember, and we thank everyone who helped make it such a wonderful event.

We've put together a little slideshow to help you either relive the fun or see what you missed.

Autumn Bird Walk 2014

Northern Flicker spotted during Autumn bird walk To get folks warmed up for our big 21st Birthday Bash, Wild Birds & Gardens hosted an early-morning bird walk along the American River Parkway. It was a perfect morning with plenty of sunshine and a great selection of birds. Our illustrious guide, Ed Sherry, led the group along the river, pointing out some amazing birds including a Peregrine Falcon! Before the morning was done, we had spotted 32 bird species and had a great time doing so. Our bird list included:

  • Canada Goose
  • Mallard
  • Great Blue Heron
  • Great Egret
  • Snowy Egret
  • Turkey Vulture
  • Peregrine Falcon
  • California Gull
  • Herring Gull
  • Rock Pigeon
  • Mourning Dove
  • Anna's Hummingbird
  • Acorn Woodpecker
  • Downy Woodpecker
  • Northern Flicker
  • Black Phoebe
  • Western Scrub-Jay
  • American Crow
  • Oak Titmouse
  • White-breasted Nuthatch
  • Bewick's Wren
  • Ruby-crowned Kinglet
  • Western Bluebird
  • American Robin
  • Northern Mockingbird
  • European Starling
  • Cedar Waxwing
  • Spotted Towhee
  • California Towhee
  • White-crowned Sparrow
  • Red-winged Blackbird
  • Lesser Goldfinch

Check out a slideshow featuring photos taken during the autumn bird walk.

If you'd like to join us on a future bird walk, make sure you're on the email list where you'll be among the first to learn about birding adventures put on by Wild Birds & Gardens.

Wild Birds & Gardens 21st Birthday Bash

Great Horned Owl at the 21st Birthday Bash Hard to believe, but Wild Birds & Gardens has been goin' strong for over two decades now! We celebrated our 21st birthday with a bang by inviting our friends from Effie Yeaw Nature Center to bring by some wild birds of their own including a Great Horned Owl! Kids of all ages got to marvel at these beautiful creatures, getting an up-close-and-personal encounter. All the while, our friends at Yogurtland were providing some tasty frozen yogurt. And to top it all off, everything in the store was 15% off! Yeah, there were some happy birders at the store that day.

Special thanks to Animal Caretakers Liz Williamson and JoLynn Jarrett from Effie Yeaw Nature Center for being a part of the festivities. Here's to the next 21 years!

Spring 2014 Birdwalk

Sunriver Birdwalk Participants To kick off the Wild Birds & Gardens Spring Fling, esteemed birder Ed Sherry led another marvelous stroll along the American River Parkway. The group managed to spot 35 bird species during the walk, including:

  • Acorn Woodpecker
  • American Crow
  • American Robin
  • Anna's Hummingbird
  • Ash-throated Flycatcher
  • Bewick's Wren
  • Black Phoebe
  • Brown-headed Cowbird
  • Bushtit
  • Canada Goose
  • California Towhee
  • Double-crested Cormorant
  • European Starling
  • Great Blue Heron
  • Great Egret
  • Green Heron
  • House Finch
  • House Wren
  • Lesser Goldfinch
  • Mallard
  • Mourning Dove
  • Nuttall's Woodpecker
  • Northern Rough Winged Swallow
  • Northern Mockingbird
  • Oak Titmouse
  • Red Shouldered Hawk
  • Red-winged Blackbird
  • Rock Pigeon
  • Spotted Towhee
  • Tree Swallow
  • Turkey Vulture
  • Western Bluebird
  • Western Scrub-Jay
  • White-breasted Nuthatch
  • Wild Turkey
Sign up for the Wild Birds & Gardens email list so you can be notified of future adventures like this.

Wild Birds & Gardens Spring Fling

Great Horned Owl To celebrate the arrival of spring, Wild Birds & Gardens put on a Spring Fling -- an in-store (and parking lot) festival with free food, entertainment and special guests. We invited our friends from the Effie Yeaw Nature Center and the Wildlife Care Association to bring out some of their bird ambassadors, which included a Great Horned Owl, American Kestrel, Barn Owl, and more. Yogurtland provided free frozen yogurt and guitarist Keaton Nelson entertained the crowd with his unique musical stylings. And as an added bonus, shoppers received 15% off everything in the store. It was quite the party! View a slide show of some of the day's highlights.

Sunriver Bird Walk 2013

Sunriver Birdwalk Participants Wild Birds & Gardens invited the folks from Rancho Cordova's Sunriver neighborhood to take part in a bird walk along the American River Parkway. Sunriver is adjacent to the Parkway, making it a haven for birders. Once again, Ed Sherry guided the eager group on an early morning stroll, where 38 bird species were spotted, including:

  • Acorn Woodpecker
  • American Crow
  • American Goldfinch
  • American Kestrel
  • American Robin
  • Anna's Hummingbird
  • Bewick's Wren
  • Black Phoebe
  • California Gull
  • Canada Goose
  • Common Goldeneye
  • Common Merganser
  • European Starling
  • Golden-crowned Sparrow
  • Great Egret
  • Greater Yellowlegs
  • Herring Gull
  • Lesser Goldfinch
  • Mallard
  • Mourning Dove
  • Northern Flicker
  • Northern Mockingbird
  • Oak Titmouse
  • Orange-crowned Warbler
  • Osprey
  • Phainopepla
  • Red Shouldered Hawk
  • Rock Dove
  • Ruby-crowned Kinglet
  • Snow Goose
  • Snowy Egret
  • Spotted Sandpiper
  • Turkey Vulture
  • Western Bluebird
  • Western Scrub Jay
  • White-breasted Nuthatch
  • White-tailed Kite
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler

Autumn Bird Walk 2012

Autumn Birdwalk Participants On a crisp autumn morning, a dozen or so eager birders gathered in the early morning hours of October 20 for the latest in a series of bird walks presented by Wild Birds & Gardens. Once again, leading us along the beautiful American River Parkway was birder extraordinaire Ed Sherry. The walk was geared toward the beginning birder, and Ed took time to go over some birding basics, including an intro to birding field guides, proper binocular technique, and more. During our trek along the river, the group spotted an exciting array of birds, including:
  • Acorn Woodpecker
  • American Crow
  • American Robin
  • Bewick's Wren
  • Black Phoebe
  • Bushtit
  • California Quail
  • Canada Goose
  • Cedar Waxwing
  • Double-crested Cormorant
  • Golden-crowned Sparrow
  • Great Egret
  • Greater Yellowlegs
  • Herring Gull
  • House Finch
  • Lark Sparrow
  • Lesser Goldfinch
  • Mallard
  • Mourning Dove
  • Northern Flicker
  • Northern Mockingbird
  • Oak Titmouse
  • Osprey
  • Red-shouldered Hawk
  • Red-tailed Hawk
  • Rock Pigeon
  • Ruby-crowned Kinglet
  • Spotted Towhee
  • Turkey Vulture
  • Western Bluebird
  • Western Scrub-Jay
  • White-breasted Nuthatch
  • White-crowned Sparrow
  • White-tailed Kite
  • Wild Turkey
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler
Be sure to join us on our next bird walk. Watch for an announcement in an upcoming Wild Birds & Gardens email. (If you're not on the email list, sign up now!) In the meantime, enjoy a few photos of the adventure. (Photos by Ray Fox.)

In-Store Visit from Wildlife Care Association

Kids at the 7-28-12 EventThe good folks from Wildlife Care Association and Education Center stopped by the store on Saturday, July 28, bringing with them a few of their Animal Ambassadors. The public was treated to a rare up-close look at these amazing creatures, including Caesar the Screech Owl, Ivory the leucistic Crow, Peanut the Yellow-billed Magpie, and Bubba the Virginia Opossum.

Check out a few photos from the event. (Photos by Ray Fox.)

Read more about the Wildlife Care Association in this recent article.

Owl Release Event

A Barn Owl reclaims his freedom Wild Birds & Gardens teamed up with Wildlife Care Association and Education Center for an invitation-only event for our Email List subscribers -- an Owl Release Event! On the evening of July 19, several folks convened along the American River Parkway to witness two rehabilitated Barn Owls being reintroduced into the wild. The owls had been nurtured back to health by the Wildlife Care Association and were ready to reenter the wilderness and fend for themselves. It was an incredible experience for everyone involved.

View a few photos of the event. (Photos by Jane Grant.)

If you're not already signed up for our Email List, join the party and register now.

Wild Birds & Gardens Bird Walk

Participants of the June 9 BirdwalkJune 9 proved a glorious sunny morning as a dozen or so intrepid birders took part in a Wild Birds & Gardens Bird Walk. Ed Sherry led the group on a stroll along the American River Parkway, observing an amazing assortment of birds. Many birders happily added new species to their life lists.

Some of the highlights spotted that morning: Acorn Woodpecker, Anna's Hummingbird, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Bewick's Wren, Black Phoebe, Bushtit, Cooper's Hawk, Double-crested Cormorant, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Osprey, Red-shouldered Hawk, Tree Swallow, White-breasted Nuthatch, White-tailed Kite.

Be sure to join us on our next grand outdoor adventure TBA later this year.

View a few photos of the event. (Photos by Ray Fox.)