We deliver to all addresses within the United States of America. ALL Continental U.S. orders for cellular accessories/phones have FREE shipping & handling via United States Postal Service First Class Mail. All other orders will be charged shipping as requested. See the chart below for available shipping methods.
 |  |
United States Postal Service First Class Mail -
Continental USA | 7 - 10 Days | Free |
United States Postal Service First Class Mail -
Alaska & Hawaii | 7 - 10 Days | $6.95 |
United States Postal Service Priority Mail | 3 - 5 Days | $6.95 |
United States Postal Service Over Night Express Shipping | Next Day | $24.95 |
Free shipping through United States Postal Service First Class Mail is the default shipping method. If you prefer a different shipping method, please specify when checking out in our shopping cart system.
In some cases, we may apply shipping & handling charges when the weight/height of the package exceeds certain limitations. Additional shipping charges may apply on Express/Priority and Global Priority Packages if the weight of your package exceeds certain limitations. The customer will be notified for any changes in the shipping & handling charges.
At this time, Clearly Wireless Inc. is not able to ship to the following California counties: Sacramento, Placer or Yolo.
Clearly Wireless is no longer in business. This website is for demo purposes only. Please do not place orders.