Submitted for your approval, excerpts from recent reviews of Sedona's Dragonfly Enhanced CD. Click on the button to read the full-length review or click on the hyperlink to visit the reviewer's web site.
"Sedona's Dragonfly has an awesome, masterfully- crafted sound blending the dark, potent edge and tough guitar textures of modern rock with the ear-friendly hooks, hard-driving instrumentation, and production polish of classic melodic hard rock. The result is a unique, creative, and massively appealing album... the best of all worlds in melodic hard rock."
-The Big Room
Read the FULL REVIEW or go to JF Parnell's Daily Digital Opinion.
"This is hardrock/AOR at its finest in 1999. 'Dragonfly' is simply remarkable. I can't say enough about this album. Nor can I give it the credit it deserves. All you hardrock and AOR fans need this disc. This will no doubt be one of the top albums of the 1999 year..."
-Wes Royer
Read the FULL REVIEW or go to OUAS Online Music Magazine
"Their combination of hard rock with classy melodies and 90's vibe makes (Dragonfly) that brilliant piece of work that redefines the concept of Melodic Rock for the upcoming millennium."
-Roger Brosel
Read the FULL REVIEW or go to AOR Land.
"The musicianship displayed here is really top notch. ...the parts blend together in a harmonious way that allows the highlights of each performance to shine through. And speaking of harmonies, there are some incredible back-up harmonies from this band."
-Scott Bazzett
Read the FULL REVIEW or go to Rathole Reviews.
"Dragonfly is not only awesome, but probably the best melodic rock offering of the year. Sedona's approach to crafting tunes is truly masterful."
-Ray Achord
Read the FULL REVIEW or go to Bands On The Run.
"It's bands like Sedona that restore my faith in the ever-stagnating genre of melodic rock. Though the album can tend to have a dark tone at times, it's an absolutely compelling listen. Mike Fox's guitar work is shaping up to be the stuff of heroes."
-Kurt Torster
Read the FULL REVIEW or go to SFK.
"Dragonfly's entire package, from artwork to zipcode, is topnotch. Repeated listenings reveal new and interesting textures and treasures on all eleven cuts."
-Bob Mariano, Valley Music News
"Dragonfly would definitely be my top pick CD... Sedona is the total package. This is a must have CD."
-Lori Powers
Read the FULL REVIEW or go to Eternal Jam.
"Dragonfly, the latest edition to Sedona's impressive collection, is mind blowing from start to finish. Without a doubt the most professional package I have ever had the opportunity to review."
-James Strew
Read the FULL REVIEW or go to Music Reviews Online.
"Dragonfly is without a doubt the best produced, mixed and mastered CD I have ever heard from an Indie band. Sedona went all out on this release."
-Gary Tealson
Read the FULL REVIEW or go to Music Reviews Online.